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Please note: If your computer has a physical connection to the ANU network, ie is on-campus and has a network cable permanently plugged in at all times, please follow the instructions on the ''Activate ArcGIS Pro On ANU Desktop computer'' page.

Otherwise if you require access to ArcGIS Pro from a computer that is not physically connected to the ANU Network (wi-fi is not a physcial connection), or you would like to use it on your personal computer (desktop or laptop), you can now log in with your ArcGIS Online account.

Request/Renew an ArcGIS Standalone License

Make sure you have set up your ArcGIS Online account, then you can activate ArcGIS Pro with the instructions below.

Activating the ArcGIS Pro Standalone License

Once you have received confirmation that your your ArcGIS Online account is authorized offsite use, you can activate it using the following steps.

Note: You may need to follow this instructions as the user who will use ArcGIS Pro.

1) Open 'ArcGIS Pro' from the start menu

2) Confirm that you ArcGIS Pro is set to use the 'Named User License' licensing type.

    2a) On the 'ArcGIS Sign In' screen, click 'Configure your licenesing options'.

    2b) In the 'License Type' drop down, select 'Named User License'

3) Login using the instructions in the section Sign in to Another ArcGIS product using your ArcGIS Online account on the "Signing in to your ArcGIS Online Account" page.

Updated:   11 April, 2024 / Responsible Officer:  Director Fenner School/ Page Contact:  ArcGIS at ANU